About Us

Remember the old fashioned stores with the wooden barrels full of whole organic grains, jars with bulk herbs, bins full of homemade nut mixes and shelves packed with lots of healthy food choices? Well, one still exists in Mission! Our focus is great service with lots of organic fresh produce, all in a clean bright atmosphere.

As a family run business since 1974 we have three generations cultivating it, along with our friendly and knowledgeable staff. We are here to offer you a Natural Foods store you’ll come back to again and again. 

Feel free to give us a call if you have any questions, or better yet stop by and see us. We look forward to it.

The Pantry Natural Foods Mission BC

Check out the featured article Celebrating 50 years of serving the community in Mission, BC in the July-August edition of CNHR (Canadian Natural Health Reatailer) 


The Pantry Natural Foods Mission BC Featured Article
With Special Thanks: Photos by Scott Yavis and Article by Bruce W. Cole